3 years on....

3 years and going strong......

I have always enjoyed coaching Triathlon and Open water swimming, however 3 years ago I decided to start my own business and Active Blu was born - It feels like no time at all from when I first stood on the edge of Windermere wondering if an open water coaching business could possibly be sustainable.

Active Blu Open Water Venue

 However my love for the sport and passion for giving it a go won over any doubts and before I knew it Active Blu had its very first open water and video analysis sessions. From that very first moment I always new I was starting something I would enjoy for a long time. Do not get me wrong it was not always easy and along the way I have learnt many lessons. My biggest learning over the 3 years is to listen to your head and heart and if they are both saying go for it.....Make or Take the opportunities offered - no matter how scary it may seem. 

Active Blu - Wild Training room

First Open Water Session

The first year was amazing, with people supporting me from the very first session of the season to the very last. What I leant very quickly was to surround myself with lovely, positive people and with people like that around you how could you not succeed. I have to say with out the support of my friends and team - None of this would have been possible. 

3 Years ago - Kendal 
Before I knew it I was heading out to Perth to train with Swim Smooth - let the fun and learning began!! 6 months of coaching, training and racing...
Early morning Squad sessions

The experiences I received whilst out on the pool deck every day for 6 months was amazing, working with everyone from the elite to age group athletes all wanting to improve. 

Coaching squads, 121 and open water, opened  my eyes to what was possible to achieve. 

and so the story continues....

Squad Coaching

Active Blu also
developed some Coach education workshops.
Club workshops, open water and Faults and
corrections - Proving popular with coaches. 
Once back in the UK Active Blu continued to develop the swim squads, 121 sessions and into another open water season. My desire to continue to work within coach education led me to training as a Triathlon England Tutor and Mentor which I throughly loved and look forward to many years of supporting more coaches and clubs around the country.


In October - I was again invited out to Perth, this time to support the Swim Smooth coach education programme, we had a new set of coaches from across the world coming out to train in the beautiful waters and climate that Australia has to offer. 
Video analysis

I spent many months meeting enthusiastic coaches and athletes from all across the world - Much learning took place about cultural differences in coach education and development. As well as creating life long friendships and experiences.

Rotto Solo
Pool Deck mornings. 

 I headed back to the UK in Dec and again had another fantastic year. Supporting athletes and coaches and generally loving what I do. The Open Water season had so many sunny days and so many great memories...It was hard not to have a permanent smile on my face.

Active Blu Venue - Windermere
Last swimmers of the Season - Finishing their laps

Now into 2015 I am preparing for the 4th open water season - We have many exciting training events planned for the season. However before this starts I have taken a part time position as Coach Ed manager for Swim Smooth and have a quick trip over seas to make to support the International coaches.
Squads at 315

I know this is an overview of the many things I have done, but wanted to write something to capture the journey and encourage every single one of you out there to take the chance and give something a go this year.
It may be a dream or a goal you have always wanted to try, I suggest take that first step, tell someone you want to give it a go and then seek support you need to achieve it - Take those small steps and you will get there.

This is a great opportunity to thank all the many people that have always been there for me, showed support, believed in me and saw my passion for what I wanted to achieve. 

To my friends and family, the safety crew and coaches, my colleagues, tutors and mentors and of course all the athletes I am lucky enough to meet and train along the way. 
Let the fun continue....


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