How did that happen!!

How did that happen!!

Its seems we are half way through January already and I am sure many of us have some great plans for this year. There is so much opportunity and energy at the start of the year with people deciding on which dreams and goals they want to follow. Whether it be a new challenge, getting fitter, moving more or remaining injury free......

I guess after coaching individuals and groups for so long, what I have learnt is just how important it is to share those goals and dreams, whether it be with friends, family, coaches, team mates or colleagues. The power of sharing your ideas and plans for the year not only allows it to become reality, but it also makes you accountable. The power of having someone that cares checking in on your plans is so valuable.

I am lucky to coach an amazing group of athletes in my squads, where although we have a lot of fun, they all set themselves challenges both in the long and short term, so not only so the rest of the squad can ask how they are getting on, but I can also make sure they are doing the correct training and offer any help they need to achieve their goals.

After years of running this particular squad, it really reinforces the importance of sharing with others. I look at the group now as they train and realise that each individual is training for something unique to them, whether it be a race, a challenge, to be social, to keep moving or health and well being. Even though this is the case, the support they offer each other is quite moving and obviously very motivating for each other.

So heres your challenge: To everyone that reads this to do today, take 10 mins to yourself.  Think about your goals for this year. What you want to do, achieve, see or feel like. Write it, draw it or capture in some way and then go share your plans with someone. Even ask them to check in on you once in a while to see how you are getting on.

To make this even better, take your goal and break it into smaller, realistic achievable tasks, moments or chunks, so that you can monitor your progress, nor feel too overwhelming. By breaking it down you can see the week by week journey you will need to make to achieve your goals.

I would love to hear what yo have planned this year. Please share it here, tell someone, find a coach, a friend.... So that you have help, you are accountable and they will check up on your progress.
I promise it makes it easier.....

Dream big - Break it down - share it with others.....

Active Blu opportunities: Prehab injury Prevention Class - 4th Feb: PREHAB
Active Bly Swim Camp Weekend: CAMP


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