Capturing special moments.

Why we do what we do - Capturing special moments.

5am Swim this morning. 

Sitting on the plane on another long haul flight allows a lot of time for reflections, 34 hours I have worked out door to door!! I am sleepy after a long few weeks preparing to leave the country again. I do not like leaving the squads for long, I am not really sure where I am staying, nor do I know how I am getting there, but I smile to myself, as my squads are in good hands and the other bits are just not that important - It always works out. 

I am in pain, my back is so sore I think I may have to find a spot to lye down, I start to sweat as my body screams for me to move, I have been traveling now for 22 hours. I find myself walking the isles of the plane hoping to see somewhere I could try and straighten up. Only another 10 hours on this flight I think to myself, but there is no where to lye, so I find myself back in my seat once again. 

Being where I love 

Mindfulness I think to myself - Well this always works for me, this may help my pain. It is painful, but my body is just making me aware its uncomfortable. Ok, so acknowledge that and maybe it will pass!! I am not sure how long it took, but it did settle and I was able to remain seated or the rest of the trip. 

World Record flip flop attempt

Awareness is an amazing thing, the reason I am writing this is that sometimes situations are uncomfortable and even distressing, physically or emotionally and we can question what we are doing either in that moment in time or in life. I certainly have at times questioned choices I have made, but it always draws me back to why I created this lifestyle. 

Coaches - Perth

I believe, knowing why you do what you do, helps it become a lot easier. I often remind myself of this, especially when jet lagged, staying somewhere new and feeling slightly nauseous with sleep deprivation. However knowing why I do what I do outweighs all those thoughts and moments of being uncomfortable, tired and in pain. Basically the opportunities, learning and experience I get are worth every minute of it. 

Coach development - South Africa

When you know why you do what you do.....everything becomes clearer.

As a coach and coach educator I am in a very privileged position to travel the world, start to understand different cultures, work with people expressing different ideas and opinions. I meet people from all backgrounds and in many diverse situations. It may not always be easy, but I get to support individuals and encourage them to push their boundaries and believe in themselves, all in hope that they travel further then they ever thought possible. 

Tutors - UK

I know why I do what I do; Because I get to support peoples journeys, either for a moment in time, or if lucky a bit longer. I get to see people achieve things they have been working towards for years, I get to see that smile on their face when they know they have excelled at something or simply noticed a difference in themselves. I get to see people progress, develop and grow. 
 Its sometimes the small things that are so big.

Coach Development - St Croix

Life is made up of special moments - We are not always aware of them, or focused on them at that time, in fact sometimes we can ignore them for too long. However special moments are always around, so when we do notice them, its worth acknowledging them, capturing them in some way and remembering thats why we do what we do. 

Windermere - UK

I know I am lucky, I am where I am now because of a dream I once had, because I kept exploring when I knew something was not right, because of the people around me believed in me. 

UK Coaches

I encourage you too explore the WHY and capture those many moments we have which make us smile and feel alive. 

Enjoy exploring. 


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