Capturing special moments.
Why we do what we do - Capturing special moments. 5am Swim this morning. Sitting on the plane on another long haul flight allows a lot of time for reflections, 34 hours I have worked out door to door!! I am sleepy after a long few weeks preparing to leave the country again. I do not like leaving the squads for long, I am not really sure where I am staying, nor do I know how I am getting there, but I smile to myself, as my squads are in good hands and the other bits are just not that important - It always works out. I am in pain, my back is so sore I think I may have to find a spot to lye down, I start to sweat as my body screams for me to move, I have been traveling now for 22 hours. I find myself walking the isles of the plane hoping to see somewhere I could try and straighten up. Only another 10 hours on this flight I think to myself, but there is no where to lye, so I find myself back in my seat once again. Being where I love ...