Dedication, commitment and a splash of passion....
Celebrating our success - Today we look at two amazing members from the squad who have shown commitment and improvement this year. We are lucky enough for them to share their stories. James Mcleod This year my season has been completely focused around Ironman Sweden in August. This was my first Ironman so my target was just completion and to enjoy it. James looking in Pain after CSS testing. :) My swimming has come on really well this year (from a CSS of 1.55 in January to 1.39 in June) so that was never a concern for me. I'm a pretty new cyclist so that was a big limiter for me, not ideal when you've got 180km to get through. So I've spent many an hour on my bike this year, almost all endurance based work. My running has pretty much gone to pieces this year as well as I’ve had chronic shin splints for most of the year. All my events this year have been pretty enjoyable, except maybe the 11ÂșC water in the river at the Wetherby t...